Scholars explore over, under and inside bridges

The hidden engineering within Rochester’s bridges has been demonstrated as part of an education enrichment programme.

Students Joe Igoe and Josh Rolison, who are both in the first year of their A-levels, were given a private tour over, under and inside the bridges so they could experience first-hand the engineering that enables tens of thousands of people to cross the River Medway every day.

The students – who were introduced to the Trust thanks to the Arkwright Scholarship Scheme.
– were accompanied by Rob Gilbert of Bridge Engineer Arcadis, and Claire Saunders Education Officer at the Rochester Bridge Trust.

Claire said: “The Trust supports a very select group of scholars and as part of this we aim to provide a bespoke programme of first-hand engineering experiences. These experiences traditionally begin with a tour of the Trust’s own assets, which include the Old Bridge built in 1914.

“The tour was a good opportunity to talk about the challenges of heritage engineering and of maintaining the three bridges owned by the Trust.”

During the tour the scholars were shown private areas of the bridges and talked through the engineering principles in place. They also learned about the major refurbishment project which is due to begin on the bridges later this year, which will see significant works carried out to ensure these vital pieces of infrastructure are in good condition for the future.

Throughout their time as scholars, Joe and Josh will get a variety of experiences, including trips to visit the sites of contractors involved in the refurbishment, and visits to see other strands of engineering in action.

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